Friday, October 22, 2010

We did it our way

NYC city is fast approaching. We have to pack and get ready to disembark.
By Jean: The cruise has been a lot of fun. Open invitation for ECHS Alumni and friends to join us in 2012.
By Sybil: Lord have mercy, this group has wore me out. So much fun, so little time, I'll be on the next boat. Ya'll don't know what you are missing.
By Nelda: This is my first time, It will not be my last time. .I have enjoyed seeing places I have never been to.
By Donna: Wonderful cruise. Good opportunity to watch Class of '66, so I will know what to expect when I get their age.
By Ellen: I came , I saw, I conquered...I enjoyed it ALL and I do mean All. I am packing now for the next trip.
By Charlie: How do I get to be a member of '66.
By Jamie: I did not go the last time, but I am glad I came this time and I have every intention of being on the next trip(if Jean will let me).
By Jerry: What they said.....

The ECHS committee met in closed session and voted to make all friends of ECHS Alumni honorary members of the classes.


Canada in my rear view mirror, Halifax, Nova Scotia

As you read this, we are in the middle of the Atlantic, enroute to NYC. The cruise is approaching a conclusion. Choppy ride, waves are about 7 feet. Looks like a bunch of innebriated passengers on board.
Halifax is pubs, Peggy's Cove, Molson Beer, light houses and more lobster. The weather has been great. I'm trying to keep this to a minimum, but my harem keeps insisting I type. Where was my harem in high school? There will be one more blog.....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh Canada! Saint John, New Brunswick

The ship docked in Saint John on a windy, cold, sunny day. temperatures were cool. A pretty little coastal town. Activities included shopping, dining , sightseeing, museums and did I say, shopping. Everyone scattered and toured the area. One of the trips was to see the "reverse falls". Linda and I went to a museum and saw a film about the tide, migratory birds and the mud flats. I was on the edge of my seat.
After departing for Halifax, we all enjoyed another great lobster dinner with champagne I had won in a quick draw shoot out with about 75-100 people the night before. I had a fan gallery that urged me on to victory. All I could hear was "go Alabama, go Auburn, he's going to win, he's a State Trooper. So that's how we got the champagne.
After dinner we went to a comedy show to listen to Phil Tag and then on to the Classic Rock hour with dancing to old rock and roll songs. (See previous post) Another great day.