Friday, October 15, 2010

Give my regards to Broadway

We all met up this morning after breakfast. When asked what everyone wanted to do, I suggested well since we are in NYC, maybe we should go to Ground Zero, ride the Staten Island Ferry, visit the Statue of Liberty or the Museum of Natural History. I was quickly outvoted and we proceeded to the nearest Skecher's shoe store. It was very educational. I never knew there were so many Skecher styles. If you find yourself in NYC, please don't miss the Skecher store.
I also suggested Macy's, however a street vendor won out. After that, we took a break from shopping and took a lunch break at the Pig and Whistle restaurant. Great little restaurant.
While at the restaurant, the Cruise committee met to discuss a future cruise schedule. As you know we do this every two years. It was unanimous that the 2012 trip will be an Alaskan Cruise originating from Seattle, WA and ending in Alaska. Tentative for 2014 will be a Hawaiian cruise.
This cruise title is listed as the Class of '66 Cruise, however, there are several classes on the cruise. Donna Hatfield Dodd is a member of the Class of '70 and there are several other classes represented. I will post that information as I receive it.
Today will be a two part entry as we are all getting ready to go see a Broadway Show, "the Million Dollar Quartet" with dinner to follow. Until then....Jerry

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